October has arrived, but fall landscaping in DFW is not yet in full swing because warm temperatures are still in the forecast. However, it’s never too early to plan for vibrant colors in your landscape before cooler weather sets in. Flowers and plants which can withstand lower temperatures are an easy, economical way to liven up your landscape. Take a look at the suggestions by All Seasons Landscaping to keep your yard looking great throughout the autumn season.
Flowers planted in beds or pots are an economical way to add color to an otherwise lackluster landscape when colder weather arrives. We wrote about some varieties of flowers for fall a couple of years ago which included dianthus, mums, pansies, petunias and snapdragons and these still remain some great choices. Below are a few additional flowering plants to keep your yard in beautiful bloom during the cooler months ahead.
Copper Canyon Daisy
A hardy plant, the Copper Canyon Daisy produces yellow blooms with a citrus/pine scent perfect for fall. It requires full sun and planting in a bed, as opposed to a pot, is recommended due to its girth during growth.
Sweet Autumn Clematis
A native of Japan, this Clematis produces bountiful white blooms. It requires part sun and part shade, and actually does best with a blanket of fall leaves for root protection.
Mexican Mint Marigold
Mexican Mint Marigold not only produces a pretty flower, it can also be used as an herbal tea and is found in some recipes for dressings and sauces. Much like a typical garden variety marigold, it produces small, yellow blooms and enjoys full sun.

Maximilian Sunflower
The Maximilian Sunflower is a perennial and native of Texas. It produces three inch blooms at the end of four to six foot stalks, loves the sun and likes lots of soggy soil.
Candy Corn Plant
The Candy Corn Plant, or Cigar Plant, is a native of Mexico and normally blooms most spectacularly in the autumn months. Much like the Halloween candy it’s named after, the Candy Corn Plant starts out light yellow in color then bursts into a vibrant, bright orange red. The Candy Corn Plant needs full sun and moderate water.
Fall Leaves
If you have lots of trees, don’t forget that fall leaves can quickly smother colorful blooms. To keep any areas with new plants or flowers looking their best, have leaves removed at least every other week. While some plants and flowers thrive under a light blanket of leaves, too many can cause a problem. Grinding the leaves and using them as mulch is a better option.
Whether you plant blooming flowers and plants yourself this fall, or have a professional do it for you, All Seasons Landcare can help keep your autumn lawn and landscape looking great. Contact us for more information.